27 July 2024
Top 7 easy ways to reduce your sugar intake

Stop eating sugar and bakery and reduce sugar intake. Well, that’s easier said than done. In reality, sugar consumption can develop into a serious addiction and have bad consequences for human health. According to some research, it is sugar-containing foods that provoke the production of the hormone dopamine, which is responsible for the manifestation of pleasure. The higher the level of dopamine, the brighter the sensations. And the substances causing the same effect as sweets include nicotine, alcohol, and, worst of all, cocaine and heroin.

No wonder that with the regular presence of sweets in the diet an addiction sets in. And when trying to overcome this addiction, a person experiences a state very similar to the withdrawal that an addict experiences. The good news is that it is still possible to cope with your love for sweets on your own. The main thing is to be consistent and not give up on your goal. Here are a few ways to deal with it.

Accept your problem instead of hiding your head in the sand

Determining the point at which your love of sweets is no longer a sweet weakness, but a dangerous threat, is very simple. And the roots of this problem are more often all the same psychological, instead of physiological.

Learn to overcome stress and relax in the right way

Stress, broadly defined, makes adjustments to the hormonal system, stimulating the body to seek simple pleasures – like cookies. A lack of sleep at night is especially dangerous: one sleepless night raises the hormone cortisol to such an extent that the craving for sweets becomes irresistible and turns out to be 400 kcal the next day. If the lack of rest for you – is a habitual condition, there is nothing to dream about to beat the addiction. So, to reduce sugar intake you need to harmonize your lifestyle and learn how to deal with stress. If you are stressed out, go for a walk or gamble for 30 minutes on tonybet.com – you will feel better!

Gradually reduce the amount of sugar in your mealy

Every change for the better is a good change, so it is enough if you reduce the amount of sugar in small steps. Gradually limiting the amount of sugar in foods or drinks will help you get used to a less sweet taste. For example, if you can’t live without homemade baked goods, keep baking them, but reduce the amount of sugar by a quarter, for example. Do the same with sweetened tea, coffee, etc.

Find an equivalent substitute for sweets

These include, for example, aromatherapy. By inhaling certain scents, a person compensates for their need for dessert. For example, vanilla added to a cup of tea or coffee is quite a substitute for sweets. Sometimes just putting a vanilla stick in the kitchen is enough to stop one’s craving for something sweet.

Make sweets without sugar

You can reduce the amount of sugar in recipes quite inconspicuously for taste – berries, citrus fruits, and spices can help. Additives with bright flavors distract the attention of a sweet tooth, and the food seems quite sweet. The best spices for unsweetened desserts are vanilla, cardamom, and cinnamon, which also stabilize blood sugar levels. Sometimes you can use sweeteners such as erythritol and stevia but do not get too carried away, because recent studies show that they are not as harmless as they seem to be.

Do physical exercises

Also, swim, run, or do any other aerobic activity. If you give up sugar, your body needs a new source of energy, and exercise may well be it. Just 10 minutes of exercise a day can balance blood sugar levels, reduce stress and increase energy levels. In addition, physical activity helps in the release of endorphins, which not only help improve mood but also reduce your craving for sweets.

Stay positive

As practice shows, scare stories about diabetes, stroke, and dementia do not motivate citizens to be more mindful of their diet. So, psychologists say, you need to stimulate yourself positively. Reducing the amount of sugar in the diet has many benefits: you can beat chronic fatigue, get rid of acne and respiratory diseases, think more clearly, and even get rid of excessive sweating.

All these steps can help you reduce sugar intake. And remember that your goal doesn’t have to be a zero-sugar diet. For most people, such a diet is unnecessary suffering and not the best long-term solution. Much better is a high-quality diet with a balance of complex carbohydrates and proteins followed by an optimistic mindset.

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